Automatic Audit Logging with PostgreSQL Triggers

Christian Emmer
Christian Emmer
Dec 12, 2024 · 10 min read
Automatic Audit Logging with PostgreSQL Triggers

You can create an automatic audit log of changes to a table's rows by using functions, triggers, and a second table.

It is exceptionally challenging to reconstruct data from a point-in-time unless you design around the need for this from the start. Some reasons you may want to create an audit trail of changes to a DB are:

  • To debug or troubleshoot a problem, especially involving user-submitted data
  • To identify what PostgreSQL user caused a specific change
  • To create a regulatory compliance trail, depending on your company needs

Example scenario

Let's start with an example table:

    schedule TEXT      NOT NULL,
    config   jsonb     NOT NULL

This table holds information about cron jobs that execute on some schedule, using some denormalized config. The job config is updated by human action, such as through a web UI, and any changes made to the config will take effect on the next job execution.

Let's say this flexible design has been working great for months, and there hasn't been any need to change it. But then a bug ticket comes in that says a specific job wasn't working, or was producing unexpected results a week ago. You investigate the job and see it has been running fine for the last few days. Because you don't have any way to know what the job configuration was a week ago, you reject the bug ticket and frustrate your customer.

There's nothing we can do for that customer, we don't have any audit trail of changes previously made. But we can start creating one going forward!


There are four key pieces of data we need to create an audit trail:

  • What the action was (i.e. a row INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE)
  • When the action occurred
  • What or who caused the action
  • What the change was

We can log these in a separate "audit" table in the same DB.


We can make a generic solution for our DB if we adhere to some rules:

  • Every audit table is always named predictably, e.g. <base_table>_audit
  • Every audit table contains the same audit columns
  • Every audit table contains every column from its base table (see the drawback below about table alterations)

Let's create a crons_audit table:

    -- Audit columns
    audit_id        BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    audit_operation TEXT      NOT NULL,
    audit_timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    audit_user      TEXT      NOT NULL,
    -- Columns from `crons`, with the same types and order
    id              BIGINT    NOT NULL,
    schedule        TEXT      NOT NULL,
    config          jsonb     NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS crons_audit_id ON crons_audit (id);

Note that other than the slight type change for the column, crons_audit is a perfect superset of the columns in crons.

We need to create a function for table triggers to execute, and we want to create it in a way that it can be re-used by multiple tables:

    IF (tg_op = 'DELETE') THEN
        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') ||
                ' SELECT nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence(''' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' ||
                quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') || ''', ''audit_id'')), ' ||
                '''' || tg_op || ''', now(), user, $1.*' USING old;
        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') ||
                ' SELECT nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence(''' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' ||
                quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') || ''', ''audit_id'')), ' ||
                '''' || tg_op || ''', now(), user, $1.*' USING new;
    END IF;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This function will insert a new row into crons_audit for every row changed in crons like this:

  • On INSERT INTO crons: the new crons_audit row will contain the values being inserted into crons
  • On UPDATE crons: the new crons_audit row will contain the values from after the update to crons
  • On DELETE FROM crons: the new crons_audit row will contain the values from before the deletion from crons

The INSERT INTO crons_audit queries will use the same transaction that is making changes to crons—which means the changes will either succeed together or fail together. This requires extra care when making alterations to base tables, discussed as a drawback below.

String concatenation makes the function hard to read, but it is necessary to create a function that can be used for many tables.

Lastly, we need a trigger on the base table which will execute the function on every change:

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER crons_audit_trigger
    ON crons
EXECUTE FUNCTION audit_trigger();


Let's add some cron jobs and then modify them. Inserting one row at a time:

postgres=# INSERT INTO crons (schedule, config)
           VALUES ('0 * * * *', '{"action": "refresh_stats"}');

postgres=# SELECT * FROM crons_audit;
 audit_id | audit_operation |      audit_timestamp       | audit_user | id | schedule  |           config
        1 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:08:53.791243 | postgres   |  1 | 0 * * * * | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
(1 row)

Inserting multiple rows at a time (note the identitcal crons_audit.audit_timestamps):

postgres=# INSERT INTO crons (schedule, config)
           VALUES ('0 0 * * *', '{"action": "refresh_billing"}')
                , ('0 0 1 * *', '{"action": "finalize_billing"}');

postgres=# SELECT * FROM crons_audit;
 audit_id | audit_operation |      audit_timestamp       | audit_user | id | schedule  |             config
        1 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:08:53.791243 | postgres   |  1 | 0 * * * * | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
        2 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  2 | 0 0 * * * | {"action": "refresh_billing"}
        3 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  3 | 0 0 1 * * | {"action": "finalize_billing"}
(3 rows)

Updating a single row:

postgres=# UPDATE crons
           SET schedule = '10 * * * *'
           WHERE config->>'action' = 'refresh_stats';

postgres=# SELECT * FROM crons_audit;
 audit_id | audit_operation |      audit_timestamp       | audit_user | id |  schedule  |             config
        1 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:08:53.791243 | postgres   |  1 | 0 * * * *  | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
        2 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  2 | 0 0 * * *  | {"action": "refresh_billing"}
        3 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  3 | 0 0 1 * *  | {"action": "finalize_billing"}
        4 | UPDATE          | 2024-12-12 20:13:24.592229 | postgres   |  1 | 10 * * * * | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
(4 rows)

Deleting a row:

postgres=# DELETE FROM crons
           WHERE config->>'action' = 'refresh_stats';

postgres=# SELECT * FROM crons_audit;
 audit_id | audit_operation |      audit_timestamp       | audit_user | id |  schedule  |             config
        1 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:08:53.791243 | postgres   |  1 | 0 * * * *  | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
        2 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  2 | 0 0 * * *  | {"action": "refresh_billing"}
        3 | INSERT          | 2024-12-12 20:10:07.429602 | postgres   |  3 | 0 0 1 * *  | {"action": "finalize_billing"}
        4 | UPDATE          | 2024-12-12 20:13:24.592229 | postgres   |  1 | 10 * * * * | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
        5 | DELETE          | 2024-12-12 20:15:23.977359 | postgres   |  1 | 10 * * * * | {"action": "refresh_stats"}
(5 rows)


Base tables and audit tables have to be altered in the same DDL transaction.

Or the audit table needs to be altered first in a backwards-compatible way, such as making the new columns nullable.

Otherwise, you can run into a situation where every write to the base table results in an error. Using crons and crons_audit as an example:

  1. We want to add a crons.created_at column, so we do that:

    ALTER TABLE crons
    ADD COLUMN created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL;
  2. The next INSERT INTO crons, UPDATE crons, or DELETE FROM crons will trigger this query:

    INSERT INTO crons_audit
    SELECT nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('crons_audit', 'audit_id'))
         , '<operation>'
         , now()
         , '<user>'
         , <>
         , '<crons.schedule>'
         , '<crons.config>'
         , '<crons.created_at>';

    Note the new created_at value at the end.

  3. We'll get an error similar to INSERT has more expressions than target columns because we never added a matching crons_audit.created_at column—and because the queries are performed in the same transaction, the error will roll the whole transaction back, preventing any changes to rows in crons.

The additional queries are guaranteed to add latency.

There's no way around it; the function will double the number of rows being changed on every write operation. Any indexes you add to audit tables will make this even worse. Because of this increase in write operations, it is recommended to only use this strategy for lower-throughput tables; otherwise you may want to explore a change data capture ("CDC") solution.

Database functions hide behavior.

Code in DB functions is separated from code in the application, which obscures the overall application logic. Developers spend most of their time reading and writing application code, so the existence of this DB function logic somewhere else may be surprising due to poor discoverability.

The "hidden" complexity of the DB function in this case is mitigated by the fact it doesn't contain any business logic, only logic to insert into a table that only humans will query.

The trigger has to use an EXECUTE statement for re-usability.

This might raise a flag with your security team. The SELECT $1.* doesn't allow for SQL injection, but it's still executing a somewhat arbitrary statement.

Alternative with JSON columns

The strategy above is for the audit tables to contain the same exact columns as its base table, in the exact same order. If the above drawback around altering both tables together is a deal-breaker for you, you could make use of "before" and "after" JSON columns.

The audit table would instead look like this:

    -- Audit columns
    audit_id        BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    audit_operation TEXT      NOT NULL,
    audit_timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    audit_user      TEXT      NOT NULL,
    -- Columns to capture the state before and after a change
    old_row         jsonb,
    new_row         jsonb

and the trigger like this:

    IF (tg_op = 'INSERT') THEN
        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') ||
                ' (audit_operation, audit_timestamp, audit_user, new_row)' ||
                ' VALUES (''' || tg_op || ''', now(), user, to_jsonb($1))' USING new;
    ELSEIF (tg_op = 'UPDATE') THEN
        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') ||
                ' (audit_operation, audit_timestamp, audit_user, old_row, new_row)' ||
                ' VALUES (''' || tg_op || ''', now(), user, to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2))' USING old, new;
    ELSEIF (tg_op = 'DELETE') THEN
        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name || '_audit') ||
                ' (audit_operation, audit_timestamp, audit_user, old_row)' ||
                ' VALUES (''' || tg_op || ''', now(), user, to_jsonb($1))' USING old;
    END IF;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

You would then need to use PostgreSQL's JSON operators to query the audit table, like this:

FROM crons_audit
WHERE (old_row ->> 'id')::BIGINT = 1
   OR (new_row ->> 'id')::BIGINT = 1

Note the type casting, this is required because the ->> operator returns values as TEXT, even if they're stored as a numeric.